NJ Regional Service Conference |
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Report from WSC 2002 Day 5 This morning we had an open session with the World Board. During the first segment the Board discussed new business motions. Those discussions will find their results in tomorrow’s new business session. The points that seem relevant to share with you now relate to the Board’s decision to wait until 2004 to make structural or organizational changes. The policy selected when we began this new system was to give it a full 6 year period before changing the way it operated. So, when ideas are presented that would replace or restructure the HRP (a structure that may not be operating as well as planned), the Board takes the stance that it wants to leave the current process alone until 2004. Similarly, when people suggest project plans as new business, the board reminds us that project plans are part of strategic planning and should come through discussion with the board and not from the conference floor. However, as part of their rejection of the specific project suggestions, the Board also expressed support for the particulars of the plans involved and said they wold work toward integrating aspects of them into projects already undertaken. Further, the Board said that it is aware that this interaction with the fellowship in the planning process is not fully operational. It wants to move to a process where it takes rather than gives direction after articulating for the fellowship the broad strategic outlines of our projected future. This may sound confusing. It really isn’t. The Board is using the Vision & Mission Statements to generate a strategic plan for the fellowship. It then passes that plan onto us for review, detail and development. We consider their stated objectives and work toward implementing policies or plans. They, then, create specific project plans to achieve the particularized goals. We agree, or disagree, with the projects they propose. Also, as you can see from looking into our afternoon session, we help them prioritize the projects already on the books. PROJECT PLAN PRIORITIZATION High priority midlevel priority low priority Basic Text Eval high 42 med 14 low 27 Historic Data Collection high 34 med 39 low 15 Info Management high 20 med 30 low 29 Lit Distribution/Convention high 9 med 14 low 60 Public Relations Roundtables high 73 med 14 low 7 Sponsorship high 72 med 12 low 3 Service Material Eval high 20 med 40 low 19 Standards for WS Communication high 38 med 35 low 12 WS Meeting high 15 med 32 low 38 WWW high 59 med 27 low 7 ELECTIONS We are electing World Board members, HRP (Human Resource Panel) members and Co-Facilitators. Larry, Cary and Michael are leaving the Board this year. Jon decided to stand for reelection. I am sorry to report that he was not re-elected. The other election results are: 2 co facilitators Mark H & Tim S 2 HRP members Francine B &Tali McC 1 new World Board member Jim B We will have 14 Board members for this cycle. This result was deeply troubling to many delegates. They expressed concern that there were not enough people on the Board for the work that needs to get done. Jane, Board chair, reassured us that they would be able to function by relying more frequently on the world pool to supply needed assistance. Back to NJR Page. Back to Service Page. |