WSC2000-Day 5

Budget Decision (110 participants, 93 regions) budget moved and Passed

Bd travel to Convention Basically the Bd believes that their attendance at Conventions is important. They finance all BD wiling to go. They think it is beneficial to hold service workshops and to make themselves available generally. Not all WB members go to the Convention. And, some go ‘on their own dime’ so that they only have to work some of the time.

Did I tell you how capable Anthony is? He is exec co director-carrying heavier work load since George’s stroke. He presents the budget. In fact, he is responsible for the generation, supervision and adjustment of the budget. He is prepared to answer questions. I believe he could satisfy Fred’s (our Region chair) inquiries. And, to those of you who know fred, and are familiar with his capacity to think in numbers, Anthony’s ability must be formidable. We are lucky to have an individual of this ability as a special worker.

WSMeeting is Unity Day at Convention this year.

It is hard to present the budget info to you. There is too much detail.

The amount is approximately $6+ million a year or $13 million total

I learned at the WB (world board) open forum last night that prioritize and rank are treated differently at WSC Ranking is putting in order, selecting the most important, the next in importance, ad so on. Prioritizing is separating out what you want from what you don’t want wthout ranking the wants in a particular order.


Motion 42=3 conference cycle moratorium on motions limitingWB voting. Intent is to give the process a chance to work. And, to practice trust in the process we have already selected.

Many people here at the Conference experience the Conference in a contentious way. Contentiousness, embattlement, is a tough place to be for someone not in the mood for conflict and fighting. The people who experience the contentiousness and are annoyed rather than stimulated by the contentiousness-hey, who knows, maybe they are stimulated, seduced by the contentiousness- So, anyway, those who find themselves captivated by conflict desire to attempt to control the conflict by silencing it..

So, as far as I can tell, that is what this issue is about.

The ‘pros" reflect the intent reported above. Mostly the desire is not to stifle debate but to quiet it down in one particular form for a pre set period of time so that we can move beyond a particular locked in perspective and approach concerns from a new angle.

Craig, WB member, says that a better way of doing this is to attend to facts that unify us, and not pay attention to issues that divide us. Another "con" spoke about freedom of speech ad the need for those who feel strongly about the issue of limiting WB domination The last ‘con’ referred to accountability and the development.of confidence thru action


Motion 53 WB have 1 vote-collectively-on elections and new business. Intent to inhibit the influence of WB, to equalize representation of WB and Regions. Failed

Motion 50 Stepworking Guides be edited to so that questions(bullets) be numbered. Intent to make it easier for people working the steps to talk with one another about where they are and what they are working on. As in Question:"What are you working on?" Answer: "Question 3 on step one."

Moved to commit to CAR? WB doesn’t think that is a good idea. I agree-not that it matters all that much what I agree with and what I don’t. But, here I have you as captive audience and you have me to look over as future RD. The biggest ‘con’ was that in order to have this issue in CAR CAR would have to include revised guide in it. After that was raised no one voted to commit.


Motion 47 Include mission/vision statement in CAR passed

Motion 66 WB develop consensus building decision making formats for WSC 2002 Intent: assist the conference in developing consensus skills.

The pro’s: Obviously we need help. We stumble around a lot. The system we are using now wastes time because we have to do it both ways ie discussions and pro/con voting. Having a format to help us move in the direction of consensus would help us move in the direction we are going.

Con: It is too early, premature. We aren’t ready yet to have a system put in place. Also, we don’t want to exclude NA groups from the decision making process.


Motion 57 This is the ‘no smoking’ motion. WB events should prefer non smoking facilities when selecting places to hold events. Intent: to make the meetings ‘user-friendly’ for people who have physical needs- such as asthma.

Pro: Health is a more important issue than smoking rights.

Con: Its too inhibiting. It is beyond the WBs real tasks. It seems to take a stand on an ‘outside issue’


Motion 24 HRP cannot nominate current HRP members to WB passed

Motion 56 In future budget reviews, Project plans be offered for approval 1 by 1, routine services continue to be offered for approval ‘as a whole’ passed

Motion 54 Amend TWGWSS to read that WB may include up to 24 members failed

Motion 70 Present a CAR motion changing mandatory WB of 24 members to a permissive WB of 24. Failed

The issue in both motions is basically the same. We are having trouble filling the WB. Some of us believe that we should retain the original mandate of 24 members and work toward achieving that end. Others believe that we have functioned well without attaining that # of WB members and ought to build in this permissiveness.

There were some motions introduced at new business that are not included in this report. For instance, there was a motion to publish a commeroative 1st edition of the Basic text for the history buffs among us. That failed. There was a motion to investigate establishing an 800 number for USA. That failed at least in part because it was not ‘international’ enough. Be aware for future issues. USA focused actions are not looked upon as ‘being in the spirit of’ the international flavor of the fellowship.

Motion 63 Include WSC Rules of Order in CAR or presented as permanent at WSC2002. Motion to commit to WB. This was committed.

Motion 64 Submit tallies at registration. Regions who could not attend could mail in their tallies. This would generate a clear CAR tally before discussion and would provide a clearindication of the desires of the fellowship.Failed

Motion 67 Facilitators preside over WSC(this expands the role they have now. Now they preside over business sessions WB presides over the discussion sessions)….and communicate with WB (??) and assist at facilitating at the World Service Meeting(they don’t do this now)

For some this is hard not because it is so disagreeable but because we need to think about this since it is a process we just started.

Maybe this will be in CAR


Motion 69 WSO reduce the price of CD-ROM version of Basic Text to the amount charged for printed Basic Text. (Current policy is to charge $18) WB says "not adopt" Anthony says he is imagining the CD as a novelty item. Therefore, because it isnt an item that will sell year after year after year, it needs a quick recup price. Failed

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